Notes for Malaysian Creative Professionals
Building Digital Experiences for the Arts & Culture,
and the Creative Economy in Malaysia.

Ruby Subramaniam, b.1989 is a Malaysian visual artist, who is behind the movement This Body is Mine.
She took a gamble and quit her award-winning career in digital marketing to pursue her passion in arts in 2014. Since then, she has backpacked across the world, visiting more than 20 countries and 60 cities to find stories and inspiration for her art.
She draws inspiration from the term “multipotentialite“ coined by Emilie Wapnick, who defines it as “a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.”
She is keen on raising questions about culture and society for an urban audience with her works. When she's not producing art, she runs Art Battle Malaysia and freelances as a digital strategist.
Get in touch with her via email