Notes for Malaysian Creative Professionals
Building Digital Experiences for the Arts & Culture,
and the Creative Economy in Malaysia.

October 08, 2017
Zim Ahmadi, Head writer for Daily Seni interviews Ruby Subramaniam, about the origin story of Art Battle Malaysia and its inner workings!
Artists lend colour to launch of INTI College's New Block
April 04, 2017
The Star reviews Art Battle 2's exhilarating showdown: Showcase of various styles of painting, different levels of artistic skills and deeply emotionally-connected art pieces that came to life on a blank white canvas within 30 minutes.
Art Battle Malaysia wants to get you talking about art
March 21, 2017
Art Battle Malaysia is under a year old, but the first Art Battle was held back in 2001 in New York City. It expanded across the US and to Canada and Brazil. Since its inception, Art Battle has hosted over 1200 competitions in over 50 cities worldwide. Making the jump from the Americas to Malaysia is an unlikely one.